Wednesday 29 January 2014


Clearly there has to be a wedding car. Or a wedding vehicle at least. Much as the idea of a horse and carriage has always appealed, the unpredictability of mixing horses and traffic, combined with the distances involved made this option unfeasible. As I have no real interest in cars beyond watching Top Gear and being satisfied that mine will get me from A to B I delegated this task to the willing bridegroom.

I was not party to the majority of what followed but I believe that while I was working last weekend James carried out extensive research. Certainly he had spoken to a number of people and obtained a good many quotes to discuss with me. As with most things wedding related the cost was vastly more substantial than I'd realised. And hence I realised where we could make a saving... We needn't have our car plus an additional car for my mum and the bridesmaids, we could instead just get my mum to drive herself and the bridesmaids to the church. Sorted! 

Or so I'd thought. However, with the threat of 'talking about transport' hanging over our impending visit to my parents this weekend I hastily backtracked. Thus today as James confirmed out car - make and model not to be revealed until the day but I will say it wasn't made this millennium - I set to obtaining quotes for a car for mum and the bridesmaids. 

The first chap I spoke to couldn't confirm because he uses his car for touring. The next quoted me £250 which was almost as much as our car. Thankfully it was third time lucky. The quote was for £200 for a luxury saloon car. And the bonus was that I got £80 off for not having bows and ribbons on it. As I said to someone today I think said bows must be platinum plated and diamond studded to cost that much! 

However tonight I can happily report that our car dilemmas are solved and all is confirmed. And on that bombshell I can end. Goodnight.

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