Monday, 8 September 2014

The table plan

Having *finally* received all the RSVPs the last 48 hours has been a battle with the table plan. We now know that there will be 89 adults, one child (my godson) having adult portions, three other children and one baby. 

We are having tables of eight. The easiest to seat was the top table. We've broken slightly with tradition in the order of the seating. We've chosen not to mix up the parents and instead have them seated next to their own partners. We're also having my bridesmaid with my parents and she knows them and vice versa with James' best man. 

That was the easy bit. Next came the other 11 tables. There will be five of James' family and friends and six of mine. Broadly speaking we've tried to sit people next to those they already know or those with whom we can see them having a common interest. 

The other ploy we are using is seating young siblings on either side of their parents. This is to try and minimise the natural bickering that we've personally witnessed between the sets of siblings. 

In actual fact it's been quite straightforward to organise the seating. There were many natural combinations meaning that the seating plan naturally slotted into place and was far less hassle than I had envisaged. 

Only 17 days to go!

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