Sunday, 14 September 2014

Health matters

It seems that in the run up to the wedding we have both been hit by a severe case of hyperchondriasis. A sneeze is not just a sneeze. Now it is either the start of an anaphylactic reaction or the begins of the worst super cold ever. When I trapped my ring finger in the bars of a cage that wasn't just sore but it was guaranteed to bruise and I was going I lose the nail from the finger that would be in all the pictures. This morning James woke with a one sided sore throat. Naturally he immediately diagnosed tonsillitis. I'm sure you're getting the idea.

We are both so focused on being well for this one day that our kitchen Worktop currently seems better stocked than most of the supplement aisles in a high street chemist. As I swallow a large pink pill purporting to improve ones hair and nails James chimps down vitamin tablets that claim to stave off colds.

It's not just supplements though. My skincare regime had been overhauled. Never before has my face been so well cleansed and moisturised. Never before have my hands been smothered in so much cream. I'm sure on the day I'll be the only one to notice but as long as I do that's all that really matters. 

12 days...

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