Wednesday, 25 June 2014


Today was devoted to wedministration and a few other bits related to our house move. In essence we are now at the business end of the planning. Deposits having been paid we're now reaching the point where second installments/ balances are needing to be settled. Naturally I have lost track of the various suppliers and deadlines that are needing to be met and thus today I have had to scour inboxes to find out who needs what by when. This information has then been transcribed into my wedding diary which contains all the relevant dates and contact numbers.

It was also D-day when it came to deciding on who gets invites and for what part of the day the invitations are offered. Surprisingly I found I didn't hit my maximum in terms of numbers for day and evening invites combined. I am allowed up to 75 guests in total for the evening but I only reached 70. That said my maximum for the day is ideally 50 but I am issuing 60 invites for the day to people who may realistically attend. I am also issuing 12 euphemistically termed 'courtesy invites' - these are day invitations that I am sending to people, mostly abroad, who have already advised us that they are unable/ unlikely to attend. Of course if any of them change their mind my numbers are completely blown but it's a chance I feel I have to take.

Today I have also been in touch with the two vicars concerned regarding the reading of the banns. The one who will be conducting the service has already arranged for them to be read in his parish the first three sundays of august. The one in the parish in which I now live is not being quite as helpful but I'm hoping will be of more assistance when I can speak to him on his return from holiday.

I have arranged my trial appointment with the hairdresser for my hair and make-up and I have agreed with my Mum to attend the appointment to offer a second opinion. I am very excited about this and for reasons that I am unable to elaborate on I need to have my trial a fair bit in advance of the wedding. The date has thus been set for 2nd August - exciting!!!!

Finally I have completed and sent to print the information insert for the invitations and supplied my Mum with about 95% of the addresses she needs - the others I have sent out requests for. The printers had completed the job within minutes of me sending the document over so watch this space for the invites coming out in the next week or so - if you're one of my guests that is!

91 days to go...

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