Wednesday, 14 May 2014

The beauty regime

I have to confess to being completely lazy when it comes to most things but in particular skincare and beauty. It is the exception rather than the rule for me to wear make up and my face is a stranger to most things but water. 

As such when my foundation (purchased in 2009) ran out mid application on Saturday, I decided a trip to a department store was in order for my day off. And so today I went to debenhams with no clear idea of which brand I was after but happy to have a look around. 

After about 5 minutes loitering around the various make up displays I was approached by the Clinique lady. After establishing that my face was a little flaky and trying to hide her horror at my present beauty regime, or lack of, she colour matched me to a natural finish foundation and very subtely (no seriously I was impressed) suggested their three step introduction pack should I ever feel like starting a new skin care regime. 

And so it was that the £100 Natwest generously refunded me for having been ditzy and left it in the cash machine, saw a sizeable inroad as I walked away with a new foundation and new cleansing products, not to mention the best of intentions to have a radiant and smooth face by the time of the wedding. 

135 days and counting. Watch this space! 

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