Sunday, 6 April 2014

Gift list

At some point it was inevitable that the debate about wedding gifts would occur. From the moment we announced our engagement we were bombarded from both sides by queries about what we would like to celebrate. 

At this point I would like to stress that we expect nothing beyond the pleasure of sharing such a significant and exciting occasion with our nearest and dearest. We do however anticipate that certain of our guests may wish to offer us a token to mark the event. As such we had a number of options...

1) no gift list - and hundreds of toasters. 
2) a traditional wedding gift list from a department store
3) a more modern gift list from an online retailer
4) a charity gift list, probably to reflect our love of the Oxfordshire animal sanctuary. 
5) a honeymoon gift list as proposed by our travel agent. 
6) a photography gift list as proposed by our photographer
7) a combination of the above. 

As yet this debate is ongoing. The front runners are currently 2 and 5 but there are definite reservations to the honeymoon list as we will have had to pay for the honeymoon before the invites go out and I had hoped it would offer guests options for buying experiences or souvenirs rather than just offering a sum of money. Regardless we are agreed that of any monies that are refunded after the wedding, either from a honeymoon fund or from the venue when it comes to room sales we will make a sizeable donation to OAS so everyone's a winner! 

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