Wednesday, 26 March 2014

What's in a name?

In my mind there's never really been an issue about whether or not I would adopt James' name when we marry. From my previous post you many be able to tell that I have every intention of becoming Mrs Reid. I am rather traditional and I am making a wholehearted commitment and as I don't do things by halves I will therefore adopt James' name. In a nice twist of fate james' surname is actually my maternal grandmothers maiden name and as such I view it as a family name anyway. 

When James and I first met I can recall a conversation about name changing. At the time james told me he had no views either way, only minding when people tried to have the best of both worlds by maintaining their maiden name for professional purposes and going by their married name for personal ones. At the time he didn't know me well enough to know that that is what my mum had opted to do. Nor did he know me well enough to say what he really thought which is that the woman should definitely change her name. 

As I say I like the idea and with a forename as complicated as mine and going by various monikers I could do without the added complication of wondering what surname a particular person or institution would recognise me by. My only sadness will be renouncing the name of Leonard, which has served me well but this is a new beginning and as such deserves a new name. In nature at least I will always be a Leonard! 

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