As yesterday morning dawned I was brimming with excitement. The prospect of a day surrounded by wedding regalia and paraphernalia awaited me. Thus we made the relatively early start to head for the NEC in Birmingham.
The first impression of having no option but to pay a flat rate of £10 for parking was not the best start. Surely things could only get better. While James and I already have the majority of our wedding organised there were still bits and pieces that I felt would be of interest. I was looking for ideas for final touches and dressing of the reception room. I was also keen to get ideas for my hair and possible adornments. I expected numerous other things to catch my eye and to be a few hundred pounds lighter by the time we left. I couldn't have been more wrong and if you've ever been to a wedding show and enjoyed the experience I would suggest you stop reading now. I would like to add a disclaimer at this point that what follows is personal opinion and no slight is meant to any of my readers.
My word of the day was 'tatt'. I have never seen so much of it in one place at one time. The hoards of over-made up and underdressed brides-to-be swarming over mountains of sample dresses like bees on the proverbial honey pot were astounding. I can't help but be pleased I obtained my dress from a refined boutique where I was the only bride and had absolute privacy to try dresses and plenty of space.
Our wedding venue was one of the exhibitors, which I have to say sunk it a little in my estimation, but allowed us the opportunity to say hello to our wedding planner and to mock our surroundings shamelessly - Amy was particularly keen to point out the nylon hairpieces at the next stand. She also saw fit to compliment James' tweed jacket - he is still on cloud nine about it.
In terms of numbers, wedding dresses and venues in Cyprus seemed to be the most well represented. Needless to say we were in need of neither. Photographers were also in numerous supply but again in that department we are already organised.
Highlights of the day included laughing at the brides to be who were attached to ridiculous teeth whitening devices. My theory was that they were wearing dark glasses not to protect their eyes but to protect their pride - I certainly wouldn't want anyone knowing if I'd been stupid enough to have a go!
After whizzing round the stands methodically but at top speed we were more than happy to leave after not even an hour and to emphatically tell the doorman that we would not be needing a hand stamp for re-entry. I acquired no ideas whatsoever beyond ideas of what not to do/ have at the wedding.
The only productive element of the day was signing up for our John Lewis wedding list. On getting home later, after a spot of research for potential places to buy our house, we found that they'd supplied us with a rather appealing goody bag. Yum.
It would be fair to say we were both rather disappointed by the experience but we did come away feeling rather good about ourselves, and indeed the vicar at the Church of England stand had told us that we stood out as a very elegant couple! Suffice to say we won't be attending any more wedding fairs - I'll just make do with my ever expanding array of magazines for ideas.
Apparently what I have just written makes me come across as a snob and a stuck up princess. Oops.