Monday, 10 February 2014

Not just wet but windy!

As our access road is blocked by flood waters for the second time this year it seems appropriate that our budget appears to be completely blown.

As things stand we are over budget by 1%. Unfortunately this is only our confirmed expenses and doesn't include the fact that only a portion of our honeymoon is covered, I currently have neither a hair stylist nor shoes and we don't have wedding rings. And that's just scratching the surface. Favours aren't included and I only have the dresses for half my bridesmaids. 

At this point I'm sure any one with any sense would be looking to see how they could cut costs. But since when have I been sensible? Instead I'm simply working out how to increase my budget. Last month alone I paid for about £400 worth of wedding related expenses from my personal account rather than charging it to the budget. I can see that becoming a recurring theme in the forthcoming months. 

I'm sure my late grandmother would approve (honest!) that I intend to use the final part of her legacy to me to further augment the budget. After all she was perpetually asking me if I had a boyfriend yet - when she wasn't prodding me and telling me I was fat that is! 

The thought of cutting corners has crossed my mind and I genuinely want the wedding to be full of handmade personal touches. The problem is that I am too easily seduced. There is nothing that I have seen thus far and no supplier that I have met that hasn't had me utterly charmed and convinced that it's worth paying a premium for quality. 

James and I intend to do this only once. I hope everybody who enters into a marriage does so with that attitude but I realise a lot do not stand the test of time. I think James and I will. We share the same aspirations and make each other laugh. We enjoy the same hobbies and relish each other's company. Thus fast we've weathered prolonged separation, a move out of the capital and multiple job changes for us both. That was not meant to be a sanctimonious essay, merely to exaggerate the fact that this wedding for me really will be 'til death do us part. As such I want to look back on it and know it really was everything we wanted. This doesn't all come down to money but sadly a lot of our ideas come at a price. And that is just a price that I'm ultimately willing to pay.

Fools and their money...

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